Citation: Video, Image, TV Episode, Music, Map

Video, Image, TV Episode, Music, Map

Key Elements

  1. Author (ex. director, producer, host, artist, uploader)
  2. Date
  3. Title of Work
  4. Publisher
  5. If Likely to Change: Retrieval Date
  6. Website Link

Video (10.12)

Film (10.12.84)

Clouzot comma H period G period parenthesis Director parenthesis period parenthesis 1955 parenthesis period Diabolique bracket film bracket period UMPO period https://pstcc.kanopy. com/video/diabolique

YouTube Video (10.12.90)

If no author, use the screen name.
Smithsonian Channel period parenthesis 2019 comma December 31 parenthesis period The terrifying physics of WWII dive bombing bracket Video bracket period YouTube period Retrieved January 17 comma 2020 comma from

TedTalk (10.12.88)

If you watched the TedTalk on YouTube, just add "YouTube" after the Format element (ex. Why winning doesn't always equal success [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved...).

Field comma V period K period parenthesis 2019 comma December parenthesis period Why winning doesn’t always equal success bracket Video bracket period Retrieved January 19 comma 2020 comma from

TV Episode (7.07.51)

If you watched the episode on YouTube, just add "YouTube" after the Format element (ex. [TV series episode]. YouTube. In M. Beardsley...).

Wright comma D period parenthesis Editor parenthesis period parenthesis 2014 parenthesis period Women in Comedy parenthesis Season 2 comma Episode 1 parenthesis bracket TV series episode bracket period In M period Beardsley ampersand M period Gomez parenthesis Producers parenthesis comma Makers colon Women Who Make America period PBS period

Music (7.07.52)

Taupin comma B period parenthesis 1975 parenthesis period Someone saved my life tonight bracket Recorded by Elton John bracket period On Captain fantastic and the brown dirt cowboy bracket Album bracket period Big Pig Music Limited period

Map (10.14.100)

Spanish-American War Map bracket Map bracket period parenthesis 1898 parenthesis period In Gale U period S period History Online Collection period Gale period

Online Map (10.14.100)

Google period parenthesis n period d period parenthesis period bracket City map of Knoxville with grocery stores pinned bracket period Retrieved January 17 comma 2020 comma from

Image (10.14)

Winogrand comma G period parenthesis 1954 parenthesis period Marilyn Monroe bracket Photograph bracket period ArtStor period