Cite the playwright first, then the play title in quotes. If you cite more than one play from the same collection, create a citation for each play.
Use the anthology format, but omit the editor.
Some long plays are published as a single book. Cite these like a regular book.
After the publication year, include the database in italics and then the permanent link to the book.
After the playwright, list the play title in italics and then director, acting troupe, performance date, theater, and location.
Begin with the film's title. Do not include performers unless you are focusing on their contribution.
If citing individual contributors of the performance, include their information after the director.
After the publication year, list the database in italics and permanent link or the website title, website URL, and date accessed.
Abbreviate the title of a work if you cite it frequently in your paper. Use the full title when first mentioned in your text with the abbreviation in parentheses, then use the abbreviation in later references to the title. Cite the line numbers.
ex. In All's Well That Ends Well (AWW), Helena believes she is the master of her own fate, saying "Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie, / Which we ascribe to heaven" (AWW, 1.1.199-200).
See the document below for commonly-used Shakespearean play abbreviations.