Start with the last name of the author, and add the first name and middle initial. Italicize the book title.
After the publication year, include the database in italics and then the permanent link to the book.
List the authors in the order they appear on the title page. List the first author with the last name first, then, list the second as first and last name.
After the publication year, include the database in italics and then the permanent link to the book.
List the first author as last and first name, then add and "et al," which means "and others."
After the publication year, include the database in italics and then the permanent link to the book.
Use for anthologies. Put the editor's name in the author position followed by "editor."
After the publication year, include the database in italics and then the permanent link to the book.
Use for chapter, story, or poem in an anthology. Begin with the author of the chapter or entry not the editor of the book. After the title of the book, add "edited by" and the editor's name.
For reference books that are arranged alphabetically, page numbers are not necessary.
After the publication year, include the database in italics and then the permanent link to the book.
Use for chapter, story, or poem in an anthology. Begin with the title of the entry or chapter. If the entries are alphabetical, page numbers are not necessary.
After the publication year, include the database in italics and then the permanent link to the book.
Include the volume number after the edition. No edition? After the editor's name. No editor? After the title.
After the publication year, include the database in italics and then the permanent link to the book.
Only include edition if it is NOT the first edition. Write the edition as it appears in the book after the editor. No editor? After the title.
After the publication year, include the database in italics and then the permanent link to the book.