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About the Libraries: Policies

Pellissippi State Libraries Policies and Guidelines

This policy articulates the expected behaviors of individuals using the Pellissippi State Community College Libraries. The Libraries have adopted this policy to protect the rights of both users and staff, to create an appropriate academic atmosphere, and to provide an environment that is safe, inclusive, and conducive to research and learning. All library users are required to comply with this policy when using the Libraries.

The facilities, technology, materials, and services of the Libraries are intended to support the instruction, research, creative endeavors, and study needs of the College community, and to preserve and protect collections for future users. 

The following actions are prohibited when using the Libraries:

  • Any acts or conduct in violation of this policy; policies, guidelines, procedures, and rules posted in Libraries spaces or on Libraries websites; College rules, procedures, and policies; or City of Knoxville codes, Statutes of the state of Tennessee, or federal laws.
  • Any behavior that is disruptive to library use, including but not limited to: engaging in disorderly conduct; fighting or inciting violence; indecent exposure; sexual harassment or any other unlawful harassment; excessively loud noise; or interfering with staff members’ performance of duties.
  • Disruptive noise in designated quiet areas (Hardin Valley Library’s second floor); loud noise in any other area of library spaces.
  • Talking on cellphones in quiet areas. Users must set cellphones and other mobile devices to a non-audible signal, and must be considerate toward other users when using cellphones in all library spaces. Audio playback without headphones is prohibited in all open study spaces.
  • Professional, commercial, or mass media photography, videography, or audio recording without prior approval from Pellissippi State's Marketing and Communication Office.
  • Advertising, selling, or soliciting for money, items, services, or causes in ways that are not compliant with College guidelines.
  • Approaching library users for interviews or surveys.
  • Distributing flyers, advertisements, or other materials outside the scope of Pellissippi State's sanctioned activities.
  • Bringing animals inside the library, other than service animals as defined by the College.
  • Refusing to leave a library space or building when it is closed or during an evacuation.
  • Holding organized or advertised events in library spaces that have not been approved by the Libraries.
  • Removing library materials or property from the premises without authorization.
  • Use by individuals under 18 years of age unaccompanied by a responsible adult. Exceptions are made for students at the Career Magnet Academy and dual enrollment students.
  • Food and drink may be enjoyed responsibly in designated areas.
  • The use of tobacco products are prohibited in all library spaces.

More Resources for Pellissippi State Community College and Tennessee Board of Regents Policies:


The Pellissippi State Libraries make available exhibit and display spaces for the Pellissippi State community. Exhibits and displays are open to the public during library hours of operation. The goal of the gallery spaces is to display works that reflect the curriculum, activities, ideas, scholarship, current events, and culture of Pellissippi State Community College and the regional community. The program of exhibits is meant to engage the interest of those on campus.

Submission and Selection

Anyone may submit work to be displayed in the Pellissippi State Libraries. Preference will be given to work that reflects the activities, ideas, scholarship, and culture of the College and community.  The Dean of Library Services is responsible for all decisions regarding the acceptance of art exhibition proposals on all campuses. Librarians at site campuses are responsible for notifying the Campus Dean of any new exhibits. Please contact the Dean of Library Services, Mary Ellen Spencer, at to express interest in displaying work. This policy does not apply to library materials exhibited by the Libraries.

Security and Liability

Pellissippi State Community College accepts no responsibility for damage to, or loss of, art or display pieces at any time while on display or being transported. The contributor must complete an Exhibit Release Form (see below) before the display is installed. Pellissippi State Community College does not provide insurance for artwork on exhibit. If the artist wishes to insure work, it is the artist’s responsibility.

Installation and Removal

All artwork to be displayed on a wall must be ready to display with hanging wire secured on the back. All works will be labelled, and labels must be provided with the artwork. The Libraries are responsible for hanging work, but exhibitors may assist. Exhibitors must deliver work to the appropriate library   three days before the work is to be displayed and pick work up within seven days after the exhibit  ends, unless other arrangements are made. The Libraries reserve the right to dispose of artwork not picked up within 30 days of the closing of the exhibition and are not held responsible for its safety in the interim.


The Libraries will promote exhibitions through the Libraries website, newsletter, blog, and other outlets as appropriate.

The Pellissippi State Libraries are the College's primary resource for recorded ideas and scholarly information. We are committed to academic freedom, intellectual freedom, and equitable access to information. Student success, scholarly excellence, and community engagement require free and unrestricted access to a wide spectrum of viewpoints and theories, and library resources may reflect different points of view, disagreement, and controversy. Appearance of a resource in the Libraries collections or displays does not mean that the Libraries advocate or endorse the ideas or statements found in that resource.

The Pellissippi State Libraries endorse the policy statements on intellectual freedom, privacy, and confidentiality of library records promoted by the American Library Association and set forth in these documents:

Relevant Pellissippi State Community College policies:

The Information Technology Acceptable Use policy applies to all individuals using or attempting to use any computer or information technology resource of the College. This policy applies to all computing, technology and data resources and accounts owned and/or provided by the College and used for college-related activities that support the mission, goals and purposes of the College. All parties with access to data on the college network or stored by the college should be familiar with this policy.

Excerpt from Pellissippi State Community College Policy 03:16:01:

It is the intent of the college that all college members adhere to the provisions of the United States Copyright Law (17 U.S.C. § 101 et seq., 1976) and this policy. The following statements and guidelines apply to anyone at the college who wishes to reproduce, alter, distribute, display, or perform works that are protected by copyright. Since copyright protection applies to a variety of creative works (printed materials, sound recordings, video recordings, visual artworks, computer software, and others), this policy has been constructed to address issues related to the use of particular types of media. Full-text of the law and its legislative history, plus subsequent analysis and commentary, are available in the library. Librarians may be able to advise and assist in researching problems not specifically addressed in this policy. Members of the college community who willfully disregard the copyright policy do so at their own risk and assume all liability.

Excerpt from Pellissippi State Community College Policy 08:19:00:

Pellissippi State Community College as an institution of higher education must preserve conditions that promote a safe environment for learning and working. The purpose of this policy is to ensure a safe environment for minors by fostering a culture that is committed to preventing, recognizing, reporting, and addressing child abuse and child sexual abuse. Minors visit our campuses for a variety of reasons, which include participation in programs and activities sponsored by the college; acceptable visitation purposes as minor children of students and employees; and programs and activities sponsored by third parties using college facilities and resources.

Pellissippi State Community College permits service animals assisting individuals with disabilities in all facilities and programs on the Pellissippi State campuses except as described in Policy 08:03:16. 

The Libraries’ collection development policy provides the operational guidelines used by the Pellissippi State Libraries in its acquisitions and maintenance of materials. The increasing demand for information resources necessitates careful material selection soundly based on an understanding of the immediate and future goals of the libraries, the college, and the students they serve. This collection must be systematically shaped and developed to make the best use of the funds allotted for it. The following general policies will be used to guide this process of developing and maintaining the Pellissippi State Libraries’ collection.

Borrowing materials

Area residents who are 18 years of age, or older, may register for a Community Borrower's Card that permits checkout of library materials. A valid Tennessee Driver's License, or other acceptable proof of identity, age, and Tennessee residency must be presented at registration.

Apply for a Community Borrower's Card at the Library's Circulation Desk at the Hardin Valley Campus or the library service desk at extended campus locations.

  • The card is valid for one year and may be renewed.
  • Community borrowers may have a maximum of 5 items checked out at once, with a limit of five renewals per item.
  • Overdue items must be returned before any other materials can be borrowed.
  • Community borrowers are subject to the Library's stated loan periods and overdue policies.
  • The Community Borrower's Card allows the stated use of library materials and does not imply or confer any other privileges or access to services and facilities of any other area or department of the College.
  • Community patrons who reside more than 100 miles from a Pellissippi State location (no local address) may be asked to verify that they are in good standing with their local library or any other Tennessee library where they live.

Collections and Services

  • Community members may:
    • use library computer workstations, as they are available. Priority is given to members of the college and to their academic work.
    • access productivity software, internet browsers, the catalog, and some digital collections.
    • Community members may print up to 25 black and white pages per visit.

The Pellissippi State Community College Libraries are grateful for the generosity of donors and welcomes gifts of materials that will significantly contribute to the academic, societal, economic, and cultural mission of the College. For details about how to give to the Libraries, please see our Gifts Policy.