How often should I meet with students each semester?
What if students don't respond or schedule meetings with me?
I don't have time for individual meetings with all of my students. What can I do?
What if a student discloses or starts to disclose something that's really personal. What do I do?
Q: What if I disclose that I'm a mandated reporter and the student decides to tell me about an incident or situation?
Q: Who can see my appointment summary notes in Navigate?
Q: How often should I meet with students each semester?
A: Ideally, you will meeting with students twice during a semester.
Q: What if students don't respond or schedule meetings with me?
A: Students receive a lot of messages, so please reach out to them again. You might review students' 30 second gut check in Navigate to get a sense of how the student is faring academically during a semester. Depending on what you see, you may want to reach out a third time. That's up to you, though. We know that not all students will connect with their assigned career mentors. Some students will have the agency and social capital to form their own relationships at the college. Students who work or have a family or other commitments may find it difficult to find the time to meet.
Q: I don't have time for individual meetings with all of my students. What can I do?
A: Feel free to meet with groups of students. You can meet with a group to review YouScience together. You can meet in a group to introduce yourself and explain the benefits of career mentoring. Be creative, and be sure to share what works in Microsoft Teams.
Q: What if a student discloses or starts to disclose something that's really personal? What do I do?
A: Remember you are a mandated reporter. If this happens, tell the student that you have to report certain information to the college before they continue. Examples of information to report include harassment, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.
Detailed information about FERPA is available on the Teams site in the Career Mentor Training section.
Q: What if I disclose that I'm a mandated reporter and the student decides to tell me about an incident or situation?
A: If a student complainant or respondent reports an incident involving prohibited conduct to you, you personally observe an incident, or are otherwise informed of an incident from a third party, you must report the incident to the Office of Equity and Compliance, Director of Title IX.
Q: Who can see my appointment summary notes in Navigate?
A: Members of other Navigate care units as well as system administrators will have access to your appointment summary notes depending on their roles in the system. Also, your appointment summary notes become part of the student's academic record and are subject to records protection as articulated by FERPA. Students may request to see their academic records. Please keep this in mind when writing appointment summaries.
For examples of how and how not to write appointment summaries, please see the document below.