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COMM 2045: Public Speaking: 4. Outline Speech

Speech Outline Templates

Write a Thesis Statement

A good thesis statement will:

  • Introduce the reader to your main argument
  • Let the reader know what to expect
  • Make a claim that can be supported and argued against
  • Often be the last sentence of the introductory/first paragraph

Example thesis statements:

Informative Speech: Risk of heart disease can be minimized by exercising, eating a healthy balanced diet, and reducing daily stress. 
Persuasive Speech: Homework should be banned for elementary school students because it interferes with after-school activities, often relies upon parents to complete it, and overburdens young minds.

Organize Your Speech

Your speech should have three components to it, just like an essay would.

  1. Introduction
    • Think of ways to pull your listeners in- relatable story, statistics, a quote, etc.
    • Thesis Statement- Gives a preview of what you will discuss 
  2. Body
    • Main points will be discussed in the order of your Thesis Statement
    • Supporting evidence will be given with each point you present
    • Think of transitions between your points- This helps your speech flow
  3. Conclusion
    • Transition into Conclusion- Could be a phrase or a sentence
    • Review the main points
    • Have a sentence or two to wrap up 

Outline Example:

I. Introduction

A. Overview

  1. What is Heart Disease (CDC)
  2. Who is most at Risk (CDC)

B. Statistics in the United States

  1. How many cases a year
  2. "About 647,000 Americans die from heart disease each year" (CDC)
  3. Data Trends- Explore Interactive Map, specifically TN (CDC)

C. Thesis Statement

II.  Body Point One- Minimized by Exercising 

A. Benefits 

  1. Impact of training programs (article by Kachur, Sergey)
  2. Report: Nurses promote exercise in communities (article by Boardley D, Morgan AL et al)

B. Target Heart Rate  (American Heart Association)

C. Tips for those who hate exercise (American Heart Association)

III. Body Point Two- Eating a Healthy Diet

A. Diet and Coronary heart disease 1900-2000 (article by Madden, Angela)

B. Cut back on Sugar (article by Women's Health Advisor)

C. Healthy Eating Tips from the CDC

IV. Body Point Three- Reducing Daily Stress

A. Correlation between chronic stress (CDC)

B. Deep Breathing 

C. Hobbies

  1. Personal Hobbies that de-stress - Hiking & my dog
  2. Examples- Yoga, Coloring, Cooking etc.

D. Support System

  1. Friends & Family
  2. Correlation between heart disease, exercise, and depression (Article- Papasavvas, Theodoros)
  3. Seek Help- Anxiety & Depression

V. Conclusion 

A. Data trends today compared to ten years ago 

B. Sum up points and the importance they play

C. End with Quote- "Our bodies are our gardens to which our wills are gardeners" William Shakespeare

VI. Reference List