PSCC Faculty Senate: 2023-2024

The online site for the Pellissippi State Faculty Senate


Agenda - July 2023
Minutes - July 2023

Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda 

July 26, 2023, 3:45 PM 

Hardin Valley Campus, Goins Auditorium 

  1. Call to Order (Shaquille Marsh)  

  2. Approval of Minutes (Shaquille Marsh) 

  1. Minutes from April 26th meeting 

  1. Officer Reports 

  1. Secretary (Lauren Rider) 

  1. Communications (Kelly Rivers) 

  2. TBR Representative (Dave Vinson) 
    1. TBR’s AI meeting recap 

  1. President (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson) 

  1. Committee Reports 

  1. Adjunct Faculty (Zainab Ahmed) 

  1. Student Scholarships  

  1. Rules Committee (Ellen Matheny) 

  1. Nominating Committee (Lauren Rider) 

  1. Promotion/Tenure (Allison Scripa, Mike Murphy) 

  1. Faculty Development/PACE (Antija Allen) 

  1. New Business  

  1. Confirmation of New Recording Secretary (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson) 

  1. Outlook Class Email Lists & roll-over/release dates (Chris Culliton) 

  1. Policy 06.01.01 – Faculty Evaluation System (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson) 

  1. Policy 03.15.00 — Interinstitutional Relationships and Off-Campus Offerings (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson) 

  1. Policy 05.20.00 — Inventory Methods for TBR Libraries (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson) 

  1. Divisive Concepts—update (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson) 

  1. Divisive Concepts for Faculty 07.13.23.pdf 

  1. Employee Training -- Divisive Concepts Legislation.pptx 

  1. 2022-07-20 Divisive Concepts Checklist final.docx 

  1. Divisive Concepts — faculty concerns (Sergio Depres) 

  1. Definition of “Lead Faculty” — proposal for ad hoc committee (Grant Mincy) 

  1. Announcements 

  1. Adjournment 

July 2023 Minutes

Agenda - August 2023
Minutes - August 2023

Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda

August 30, 2023, 3:45 PM

Blount County Campus, West Chevrolet Auditorium, BL 157

  1. Call to Order (Shaquille Marsh)

  2. Approval of Minutes (Shaquille Marsh)

  1. Minutes from April 26th meeting

  2. Minutes from July 26th meeting

  1. Officer Reports

  1. Secretary (Mike Murphy—temp)

  2. Communications (Kelly Rivers)

  3.  TBR Representative (Dave Vinson)

  4. President (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)

  • i. Student Athletic Academic Success Plan

  1. Committee Reports

  1. Adjunct Faculty (Zainab Ahmed)

  1. Student Scholarships

  2. Rules Committee (Ellen Matheny)

  3. Nominating Committee (Mandy Comes)

  4. Promotion/Tenure (Allison Scripa, Mike Murphy)

  5. Faculty Development/PACE (Antija Allen)

  1. Unfinished Business and General Orders

  1. Confirmation of new Recording Secretary — Mandy Comes (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)

  2. Policy 06.02.04 – Faculty Evaluation (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)

  1. Policy 03.15.00 — Interinstitutional Relationships and Off-Campus Offerings (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)

  2. Policy 05.20.00 — Inventory Methods for TBR Libraries (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)

  3. Definition of “Lead Faculty” — proposal for ad hoc committee (Grant Mincy)

  1. New Business 

  1. Pellissippi State Wellness Team (Tracy Rees)

  2. TBR General Education Revision update (Alex Fitzner)

  • i. TBR Core Architecture

  1. Policy 06.01.01 — Faculty (Wendy Suksod)

  • i. Proposed Revision Re: Faculty Workload Distribution

  1. Announcements

  2. Adjournment

August 2023 Minutes

Agenda - September 2023
Minutes - September 2023

Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda

September 27, 2023, 3:45 PM

Magnolia Avenue Campus, Community Room, MA 109

  1. Call to Order (Shaquille Marsh)
  2. Approval of Minutes (Shaquille Marsh)
  1. Minutes from August 27th  meeting
  1. Officer Reports
  1. Secretary (Mandy Comes)
  2. Communications (Kelly Rivers)
  3. TBR Representative
  4. President (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)
  1. Committee Reports
  1. Adjunct Faculty (Zainab Ahmed)
  1. Student Scholarships
  2. Rules Committee (Ellen Matheny)
  • i. Proposed Amendments: Article 1 & Article VI
  1. Nominating Committee (Mandy Comes)
  2. Promotion/Tenure (Allison Scripa, Mike Murphy)
  1. Faculty Development/PACE (Antija Allen)
  1. Ad Hoc Committee Reports
  1. Lead Faculty Committee (Grant Mincy)
  1. Unfinished Business and General Orders
  1. Policy 06.01.01 — Faculty (Wendy Suksod)
  • i. Proposed Revision Re: Faculty Workload Distribution
  1. New Business 
  1. Policy 06.02.00 — Academic Tenure (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)
  2. Policy 06.03.00 — Promotion (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)
  1. Announcements
  2. Adjournment

September 2023 Minutes

Agenda - October 2023
Minutes - October 2023

Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda

October 25, 2023, 3:45 PM

Strawberry Plains Campus, ST 2630

  1. Call to Order (Shaquille Marsh)
  2. Approval of Minutes (Shaquille Marsh)
  1. Minutes from September 27th meeting
  1. Officer Reports
  1. Secretary (Mandy Comes)
  2. Communications (Kelly Rivers)
  3. TBR Representative (Judy Sichler)
  4. President (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)
  1. Committee Reports
  1. Adjunct Faculty (Zainab Ahmed)
  1. Student Scholarships
  2. Rules Committee (Ellen Matheny)
  3. Nominating Committee (Mandy Comes)
  4. Promotion/Tenure (Allison Scripa, Mike Murphy)
  5. Faculty Development/PACE (Antija Allen)
  1. Ad Hoc Committee Reports
  1. Lead Faculty Committee (Grant Mincy)
  2. Hiring Practices Committee (Donna Trogden, Leslie Coffman, Caleb Williamson)
  1. Unfinished Business and General Orders
  1. Proposed Senate Constitution Amendments: Article 1 & Article VI (Ellen Matheny)
  2. Policy 06.01.01 — Faculty (Amanda Carr Wilcoxson for Wendy Suksod)
  • i. Proposed Revision Re: Faculty Workload Distribution
  1. New Business 
  1. Policy 08.03.11 Use and Installation of Video Surveillance Equipment (Amanda Carr Wilcoxson)
  2. Policy 03.03.01 Syllabi (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)
  1. Announcements
  2. Adjournment

October 2023 Minutes

Agenda - November 2023
Minutes - November 2023

Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda

November 29, 2023, 3:45 PM

Hardin Valley Campus, Goins Auditorium, GN 136

  1. Call to Order (Shaquille Marsh)
  2. Approval of Minutes (Shaquille Marsh)
  1. Minutes from October 25th meeting
  1. Officer Reports
  1. Secretary (Mandy Comes)
  2. Communications (Kelly Rivers)
  3. TBR Representative (Judy Sichler)
  4. President (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)
  1. Committee Reports
  1. Adjunct Faculty (Zainab Ahmed)
  1. Student Scholarships
  2. Rules Committee (Ellen Matheny)
  3. Nominating Committee (Mandy Comes)
  4. Promotion/Tenure (Allison Scripa, Mike Murphy)
  5. Faculty Development/PACE (Antija Allen)
  1. Ad Hoc Committee Reports
  1. Lead Faculty Committee (Grant Mincy)
  2. Hiring Practices Committee (Rob Lloyd & Donna Trogden)
  • i. Hiring Committee Statement
  1. Unfinished Business and General Orders
  1. Policy 06.01.01 — Faculty (Amanda Carr Wilcoxson & Wendy Suksod)
  1. New Business 
  1. Policy 06.01.07— Assignment of Non-Instructional Time (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)
  2. Proposal to delete Policy 06.01.08 — Use of Titles (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)
  3. Age-Friendly University (Rob Lloyd)
  1. Announcements
  2. Adjournment

 November 2023 Minutes

Agenda - January 2024
Minutes - January 2024

Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda

January 31, 2024, 3:45 PM

Blount County Campus, West Chevrolet Auditorium, BL 157

  1. Call to Order (Shaquille Marsh)
  2. Approval of Minutes (Shaquille Marsh)
  1. Minutes from November 29th meeting
  1. Officer Reports
  1. Secretary (Mandy Comes)
  2. Communications (Kelly Rivers)
  3. TBR Representative (Judy Sichler)
  4. President (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)
  1. Committee Reports
  1. Adjunct Faculty (Zainab Ahmed)
  1. Student Scholarships
  2. Rules Committee (Ellen Matheny)
  3. Nominating Committee (Mandy Comes)
  4. Promotion/Tenure (Allison Scripa, Mike Murphy)
  5. Faculty Development/PACE (Antija Allen)
  1. Ad Hoc Committee Reports
  1. Lead Faculty Committee (Grant Mincy)
  2. Hiring Practices Committee (Rob Lloyd & Donna Trogden)
  1. Unfinished Business and General Orders
  1. Age-Friendly University Global Network membership (Trent Eades for Rob Lloyd)
  • i. AFUGN Proposal
  1. New Business 
  2. Announcements
  1. Call for PTK co-adviser (Kelly Rivers)
  1. Adjournment

January 2024 Minutes

Agenda - February 2024
Minutes - February 2024


Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda

February 28, 2024, 3:45 PM

Magnolia Avenue Campus, Community Room, MA 109

  1. Call to Order (Shaquille Marsh)
  2. Approval of Minutes (Shaquille Marsh)
  1. Minutes from January 31st meeting
  1. Officer Reports
  1. Secretary (Mandy Comes)
  2. Communications (Kelly Rivers)
  3. TBR Representative (Judy Sichler)
  4. President (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)
  1. Committee Reports
  1. Adjunct Faculty (Zainab Ahmed)
  1. Student Scholarships
  2. Rules Committee (Ellen Matheny)
  • i. Article VIII, Section 1B
  1. Nominating Committee (Mandy Comes)
  2. Promotion/Tenure (Allison Scripa, Mike Murphy)
  3. Faculty Development/PACE (Antija Allen)
  1. Ad Hoc Committee Reports
  1. Lead Faculty Committee (Grant Mincy)
  • ii. Lead Instructor Survey Results
  • iii. Lead Instructor Survey Results – Deans & Supervisors
  • iv. Compensative Lead Instructor Policy
  1. Based on TBR Policy A-052, and PSCC policies 06:06:00, 06:06:01, and 03:03:01
  1. Hiring Practices Committee (Tracy Rees)
  • i. Discipline Chair Policy
  1. Unfinished Business and General Orders
  1. Age-Friendly Network Update (Rob Lloyd)
  1. New Business 
  1. USB Update (Chris Culliton)
  2. Ad Hoc committee for development of AI use in classroom policy (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)
  3. Policy 06:02:04 - Faculty Evaluation System (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)
  4. Policy 08:13:11 - Use & Installation of Video Surveillance (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)
  1. Announcements
  2. Adjournment

February 2024 Minutes

Agenda - March 2024
Minutes - March 2024


Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda

March 27, 2024, 3:45 PM

Strawberry Plains Campus, ST 3550

  1. Call to Order (Shaquille Marsh)
  2. Approval of Minutes (Shaquille Marsh)
  1. Minutes from February 28th meeting
  1. Officer Reports
  1. Secretary (Mandy Comes)
  2. Communications (Kelly Rivers)
  3. TBR Representative (Judy Sichler)
  4. President (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)
  1. Committee Reports
  1. Adjunct Faculty (Zainab Ahmed)
  1. Student Scholarships
  2. Rules Committee (Ellen Matheny)
  • i. Article VIII, Section 1B
  1. Nominating Committee (Mandy Comes)
  2. Promotion/Tenure (Allison Scripa, Mike Murphy)
  3. Faculty Development/PACE (Antija Allen)
  1. Ad Hoc Committee Reports
  1. Hiring Practices Committee (Tracy Rees)
  2. AI Use in the Classroom Committee (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)
  1. Unfinished Business and General Orders
  1. Senate Awards (Trent Eades)
    1. Outstanding Adjunct Award
    2. Nina McPherson Service Award
  1. New Business 
  1. Presentation of Nominees for 2024-2025 Senate Officers (Trent Eades)
  1. Announcements
  2. Adjournment

March 2024 Minutes

Agenda - April 2024
Minutes - April 2024


Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda

April 24, 2024, 3:45 PM

Hardin Valley Campus, Cafeteria Annex 150A

  1. Call to Order (Shaquille Marsh)
  2. Approval of Minutes (Shaquille Marsh)
  1. Minutes from March 27th  meeting
  1. Officer Reports
  1. Secretary (Mandy Comes)
  2. Communications (Kelly Rivers)
  3. TBR Representative (Judy Sichler)
  4. President (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)
  1. Committee Reports
  1. Adjunct Faculty (Zainab Ahmed)
  1. Student Scholarships
  2. Rules Committee (Ellen Matheny)
  3. Nominating Committee (Mandy Comes)
  4. Promotion/Tenure (Allison Scripa, Mike Murphy)
  5. Faculty Development/PACE (Antija Allen)
  1. Ad Hoc Committee Reports
  1. Lead Teacher Policy Committee (Grant Mincy)
  2. Hiring Practices Committee (Tracy Rees)
  3. AI Use in the Classroom Committee (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)
  1. Unfinished Business and General Orders
  1. Confirmation of 2024-2025 Senate Officers (Trent Eades)
  1. New Business 
  1. Resolution Re: Lead Instructor Policy (Grant Mincy)
  2. Syllabus Statements (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)
  3. English Department Survey RE: Faculty Opinions & Reorganization (Teresa Lopez)
  1. Announcements
  2. Adjournment

April 2024 Minutes