Agenda - July 2024 |
Minutes - July 2024 |
Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda
July 31, 2024, 3:45 PM
Hardin Valley Campus, Cafeteria Annex 150A
I. Call to Order (Shaquille Marsh)
II. Approval of Minutes (Shaquille Marsh)
A. Minutes from April meeting
III. Officer Reports
A. Secretary (Mandy Comes)
B. Communications (Karen Wright)
C. TBR Representative (Chris Culliton is currently delegated to fulfill this role)
D. President (Trent Eades)
IV. Committee Reports
A. Adjunct Faculty (Robyn James)
B. Student Scholarships
C. Rules Committee (Ellen Matheny)
D. Nominating Committee (Mandy Comes)
E. Promotion/Tenure (Allison Scripa, Mike Murphy)
F. Faculty Development/PACE (Antija Allen)
V. Ad Hoc Committee Reports
VI. Unfinished Business and General Orders
VII. New Business
A. Confirmation of Chris Culliton as TBR Representative
B. Resolution to TBR about online fee (Toni McDaniel)
C. NEW: Online Observation Form (Trent Eades)
D. Robyn James
VIII. Announcements
IX. Adjournment
Agenda - August 2024 |
Minutes - August 2024 |
Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda
August 28, 2024, 3:45 PM
Blount Campus, BL 157
I. Call to Order (Shaquille Marsh)
II. Approval of Minutes (Shaquille Marsh)
A. Minutes from July Meeting
III. Officer Reports
A. Secretary (Mandy Comes)
B. Communications (Karen Wright)
C. TBR Representative (Chris Culliton)
D. President (Trent Eades)
IV. Committee Reports
A. Adjunct Faculty (Robyn James)
B. Student Scholarships
C. Rules Committee (Ellen Matheny)
D. Nominating Committee (Mandy Comes)
E. Promotion/Tenure (Allison Scripa, Mike Murphy)
F. Faculty Development Committee (Antija Allen)
V. Ad Hoc Committee Reports
A. Lead Instructor Committee (Grant Mincy)
B. Hiring Committee (Toni McDaniel)
VI. Unfinished Business and General Orders
A. Online observation form (ALT)
VII. New Business
A. Standing Committees (Trent Eades)
B. Ad hoc Transition Committee (Amanda Carr-Wilcoxson)
C. Amendment to Policy 00:00:04: Policy on Policies (Trent Eades)
D. Amendment to Policy 03:03:01: Syllabi (ALT)
E. Campus Closure Syllabi Statement (ALT edits)
F. Amendment to Policy 03:11:01: Academic Standards (ALT)
G. Amendment to Policy 04:05:00: Prior Learning Assessment (ALT)
H. Amendment to Policy 04:06:00: Independent Study (ALT)
I. Attendance Reporting Due Dates (Chris Culliton)
J. Faculty Support (Sergio Depres)
K. Adjunct Office Hour Pay (Robyn James)
VIII. Announcements
IX. Adjournment
Agenda - September 2024 |
Minutes - September 2024 |
Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda
September 25, 2024, 3:45 PM
Magnolia Campus, MA 109
I. Call to Order (Shaquille Marsh)
II. Approval of Minutes (Shaquille Marsh)
A. Minutes from August Meeting
III. Officer Reports
A. Secretary (Mandy Comes)
B. Communications (Karen Wright)
C. TBR Representative (Chris Culliton)
D. President (Trent Eades)
IV. Committee Reports
A. Adjunct Faculty (Robyn James)
B. Student Scholarships
C. Rules Committee (Ellen Matheny)
D. Nominating Committee (Mandy Comes)
E. Promotion/Tenure (Allison Scripa, Mike Murphy)
V. Ad Hoc Committee Reports
A. Online Observation Form Committee (Jesse Cragwall)
VI. Unfinished Business and General Orders
A. Amendment to Policy 04:05:00: Prior Learning Assessment (ALT)
B. Amendment to Policy 06:01:01: Faculty (Discipline Chairs) (Toni McDaniel)
C. Standing Committees (Trent Eades)
VII. New Business
A. Web Accessibility Task Force Update (Allison England)
VIII. Announcements
IX. Adjournment
Agenda - October 2024 |
Minutes - October 2024 |
Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda
Oct. 30, 2024, 3:45 PM
Strawberry Plains Campus, ST 3550
I. Call to Order (Shaquille Marsh)
II. Approval of Minutes (Shaquille Marsh)
A. Minutes from September Meeting
III. Officer Reports
A. Secretary (Mandy Comes)
B. Communications (Karen Wright)
C. TBR Representative (Chris Culliton)
D. President (Trent Eades)
IV. Committee Reports
A. Adjunct Faculty (Robyn James)
B. Student Scholarships
C. Rules Committee (Ellen Matheny)
D. Nominating Committee (Mandy Comes)
E. Promotion/Tenure (Allison Scripa, Mike Murphy)
V. Ad Hoc Committee Reports
A. Climate Survey ad hoc (Tracy Rees)
B. Threatening Behavior ad hoc (Kent McQuilkin)
C. Online Observation Form ad hoc (Jesse Cragwall)
VI. Unfinished Business and General Orders
A. Web Accessibility Task Force Update (Allison England)
VII. New Business
A. Climate Survey Standing Committee (Trent Eades)
B. Amendment to Policy 06:01:02: Adjunct Faculty (Trent Eades)
VIII. Announcements
IX. Adjournment