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BIOL 1010 Saylor: Create a Video

Create a Video

Create a 10-15-minute informative video for a high school audience that explains a biology topic relevant to this course.

1. Proposal

Choose a biology topic that is relevant to this course, using your textbook as a reference, and that would produce a content-rich video that is engaging, visually dynamic, entertaining, and informative.

In 250 words, based on your knowledge and the textbook, summarize your topic, video content, and how you will create the video. You can use free animation software like Animaker, Powtoon, Blender, or Toontastic. Do not just make a video with your voice recording over PowerPoint slides, instead build unique and engaging visual aids (ex. graphs, diagrams, or images) that complement your narration meaningfully.

2. Checkpoint

Find 3 credible sources (ex. articles, books) aside from your textbook to inform your script. You can also use Smart Imagebase to find visuals on biology topics.

Write a script to guide your voiceover, and storyboard your video: outline your content with time markers and draw or make notes about animations or visuals.

Create a catchy title that identifies the topic, write 2-3 sentences to describe the video, and include direct links to your sources.

3. Final Project

Create your video. You can use free video editing software (ex. MS Video Editor, VSDC, Shotcut, Apple iMovie, or MovieMaker) to add music. Upload the video to MS Stream, and share a link on Brightspace.