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CIVT 2500: Carroll


Key Elements

  1. Author
  2. Year of Last Update
  3. Web Page Title (italicized)
  4. Website Name
  5. If Likely to Change: Retrieval Date
  6. URL of Web Page (no period at the end)

Web Page (10.16)

Robinson comma L period comma Smith comma M period comma Segal comma J period comma ampersand Shubin comma J period parenthesis 2019 parenthesis period The benefits of play for adults period HelpGuide period Retrieved January 6 comma 2020 from

No Author (10.16)

If no author can be found, begin the citation with the title of the Web page.

Ishtar period parenthesis 2019 parenthesis period Brooklyn Museum period Retrieved January 7 comma 2020 comma from

No Date (10.16.113)

For sources with no publication or last updated date, put (n.d.) in its place.

U period S period Fish and Wildlife Service period parenthesis n period d period parenthesis period What is white-nose syndrome question mark White-Nose Syndrome Response Team period Retrieved January 7 comma 2020 comma from

Same Author & Website Name (10.16.111)

If the name of the website and the author are the same, list them as the author but nothing for the website name.

U period S period National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke period parenthesis 2019 parenthesis period Brain basics colon Understanding sleep period Retrieved January 7 comma 2020 comma from

Has a Permanent Link or DOI (10.16)

If the source has either a permanent link or document object identifier link, do not include the retrieval date.

Educational Services for Children Affected by Lead Expert Panel period parenthesis 2015 parenthesis period Educational interventions for children affected by lead period U period S period Center for Disease Control and Prevention period