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CIVT 2500: Carroll

Article, Report, Class Materials

Key Elements

  1. Author
  2. Publication Date (Year, Month Day when available)
  3. Article Title
  4. Publication Title (italicized)
  5. Volume and Issue Number
  6. Page Number(s)
  7. Online: DOI or permanent link (no period at the end)

One Author (10.1)

List the author by surname and first and middle initials only. For the title, do not use quotes and only capitalize the first word of the title and subtitle and proper nouns. Use either DOI or permanent link.

Zainuddin comma Z period parenthesis 2018 parenthesis period Students' learning performance and perceived motivation in gamified flipped-class instruction period Computers ampersand Education comma 126 parenthesis 1 parenthesis comma 75 hyphen 88 period

Two-20 Authors (10.1)

List each author as they appear in the article. Use ampersand (&) rather than "and" only before the last author named. Use either DOI or permanent link.

Kuder comma S period J period comma ampersand Accardo comma A period parenthesis 2018 parenthesis period What works for college students with autism spectrum disorder period Journal of Autism ampersand Developmental Disorders comma 48parenthesis 3 parenthesis comma 722 hyphen 731 period

21 or More Authors (10.4)

List the first 19 authors, put an ellipses (...), and list the last author. Use either DOI or permanent link.

Flores comma A period comma Loi comma R period comma Molina comma C period A period comma Perski comma O period comma West comma R period comma Green comma J period P period comma Brown comma N period comma Chon comma D period A period comma Thompson comma K period M period comma Shiluk comma A period L period comma Young comma G period B period comma King comma W period A period comma Morton comma S period T period comma Ramos comma A period R period comma Szarota comma P period comma Fawaz comma S period J period comma Murayama comma K period comma Wacker comma J period comma Khyat comma A period comma … Kuper comma N period parenthesis 2020 parenthesis period Maintaining motivation within student organizations period Journal of College Engagement comma 74parenthesis 2 parenthesis comma 146 hyphen 165 period

No Author (8.14)

Begin with the article title. Use either DOI or permanent link.

Parenting styles and academic motivation period parenthesis 2019 parenthesis period Journal of Youth and Adolescence comma 89 parenthesis 4 parenthesis comma 232 hyphen 234 period

Magazine (10.3)

Include the volume number first and the issue number in parentheses. Use either DOI or permanent link.

Frye comma D period parenthesis 2019 comma November-December parenthesis period From Fear To Guts period Psychology Today comma 52 parenthesis 6 parenthesis comma 33 plus sign period

Newspaper (10.3)

If an article appears on discontinuous pages, list each of the page numbers where it appears. For multiple pages, use "pp." Use either DOI or permanent link.

Kast comma M period parenthesis 2020 comma January 6 parenthesis period From English to business comma here's what students have studied at UT over the years period Knoxville News Sentinel period

Government Report (10.50)

Use either DOI or permanent link.

U period S period Department of Education period parenthesis 2019 parenthesis period Parent and educator guide to school climate resources period

Class Materials


Ramp comma P period parenthesis 2020 parenthesis period Plant taxonomy bracket Class handout bracket period Department of Natural & Behavioral Sciences comma Pellissippi State Community College period


Rivers comma K period parenthesis 2020 parenthesis period Shakespeare & Elizabethan England bracket PowerPoint slide bracket period Department of English comma Pellissippi State Community College period