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Psychology: Your Assignment

Your Assignment

In order to successfully complete your research assignments you will need to follow some basics steps:

Example Topic

You are interested in writing about mental health issues among college students. Use this idea to formulate your thesis statement or research question. Think about what interests you on this topic, what you would like to know, what about this topic you would like to get across to your audience.

For this topic, your research question might be:

Why do college students experience mental health issues? OR What are causes of mental health issues among college students? OR What are common mental health issues among college students, and how can we address these issues?

Looking at these questions, what keywords would you use for conducting your research?

"mental health" AND "college student"

If you have a specific mental health issue you'd like to focus on, consider adding that to your list of keywords. For example, depression might be your focus.

*Don't be afraid to modify your keywords (or search strategy) if you aren't finding what you're looking for.