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ENGL 2110: Withington: Step 4: Find Good Results & Get the Citation

Find Good Results & Get the Citation

Look for sources that directly relate to your topic. Good sources either agree or disagree with your opinion. If they disagree, offer reasons and show evidence on why the source might be wrong.

Research tip: Don’t switch between evaluating and searching: it makes researching mentally exhausting. Instead, when you find a source that MIGHT be good, email it to yourself with the citation using the database tools. Then, on another day when you are fresh, go to your email and evaluate your sources.

Double-check the citation using the PSCC Libraries’ MLA Citation Guide.

Good luck!

Have Questions?

For tips and tricks to choose and narrow your topic, find reputable sources, and cite and format in MLA, ask a librarian (includes online chat, email, text, phone).

To make sure your essay is carefully developed, well-organized, and grammatically correct, visit the tutoring center or submit your paper to (1-day turnaround Monday to Saturday).

For questions about the assignment and to confirm that your sources are acceptable, ask your instructor.
