Web Designer's Guide to Copyright - WEB 1600 & 2010: Common Pitfalls

A guide to intellectual property and copyright resources for web technology professionals.

Dos and Don'ts

Copyright Dos

1. Do use material in the Public Domain.

2. Do quote something you find interesting.

3. Do use facts and ideas.

4. Do use materials that are not subject to copyright.

5. Do use a company name or logo if you are discussing it.

Copyright Don'ts

1. Don't assume that giving credit will avoid copyright infringement.

2. Don't copy material without copyright information.

3. Don't consider all Creative Commons materials free and unrestricted.

4. Don't copy material just because it is for non-commercial use.

5. Don't assume that removing the copyright material puts you in the free and clear.

6. Don't copy material just because you can't find the copyright holder.

Copyright Violations

Common Pitfalls When Developing a Website


  • creating images that modify another's work
  • taking images from another without permission
  • using licensed images from the internet that violate the terms of use
  • using free images from the internet that have been stolen by others
  • using clip-art provided by software in a way that violates the license agreement


  • taking another's text without permission
  • assuming work is in the Public Domain without confirmation

HTML and CSS Source Code

  • taking or modifying another's source code without permission
  • modifying and/or releasing another's code under a new copyright license

Applets and Scripts

  • taking or modifying another's script or programming without permission

Domain Names

  • accidentally taking a domain name that has been trademarked by another
  • intentionally taking a famous domain name, which is called "cybersquatting"


  • taking a word, image, or slogan that has been trademarked by another

Linking and Framing

  • using an image linked to another website without permission
  • presenting another website's link as your own
  • embedding copyright content from another website in a frame
  • commenting negatively about another website's link, which is libel