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Libraries Continuity Plan: Home

Research Assistance

Beginning Tuesday, January 18th, Hardin Valley librarians will provide research assistance in person and via email, chat, and text during these hours:

  • Monday - Thursday 8am-9pm
  • Friday 8am-6pm
  • Saturday 10am-4pm

The Blount, Division Street, Magnolia, and Strawberry Plains libraries will provide in person research assistance during regular business hours.

Students and faculty are encouraged to make use of the libraries research guides and online tutorials

Faculty are encouraged to embed the Ask a Librarian service in their Brightspace classes. You may view a short video that explains how to embed the widget here:

Library Collections

The majority of the Libraries’ collections are online and include: e-books, audio books, e-journals, images, streaming video, films, newspapers, magazines, reference materials, and bibliographic databases. Search the collections using OneSearch:

Off campus access to the Libraries' e-resources has been restored. You now have access to our electronic collections from on and off campus with the exception of LinkedIn Learning and eHRAF Archaeology. Research databases and streaming video are available using the link on the A-Z databases page here:

Print and DVD collections are available at all libraries.

If you have questions, please Ask a Librarian.

Returning Library Materials

If you need to return library materials, the Hardin Valley book return is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week and is located to the right of the ERC building entrance. If the book return is full, please contact campus police for assistance by calling 865.694.6646. Library materials returned to the book return will be scanned in as returned once a week and will automatically generate a return confirmation that will be sent to the borrower's PSCC email address. If you have questions, please Ask a Librarian.