ENGL 1010 Horn - Contrasting COVID: Research Process in 6 Steps

Research Process

6 Steps of the Research Process

The following six steps can be applied to research in any of your courses at Pellissippi State.


Since Essay 4 gives us our prompt to compare two foreign countries' reactions to COVID-19, we'll begin with Step 3 of the research process.


Step 3: Choose a Narrow Focus Topic

Step 3 is complete when you have reviewed the background info and chosen a Narrow Focus Topic from the subtopics you discovered.

Your Narrow Focus will be COVID-19 and it's relationship to the nations you select for your assignment.


Step 4: Form a Research Question

Step 4 is completed when your line of inquiry contains enough distinct keywords that cover your broad topic and your narrow topic.

Because of the specific assignment prompt for Essay 4, the Research Inquiry should be something like "How did [Country A's] reaction to the COVID outbreak differ from [Country B's] reaction, and what does this reveal about their cultural values?" This is actually a 2-part inquiry - we're trying to understand the cultural implications of the 2nd part, but first we need to identify and analyze those differences.


Step 5: Use OneSearch and Databases to find Books, Articles, News Reports or Visual Data

Your keywords might be as simple as "Covid" and "[your first country's name]" followed by a separate search for "Covid" and "[your second country's name]."

Ask a Librarian if you need help searching for resources or if you need help picking good keywords & Subject headings for your search.


Step 6: Email Yourself a Record of the Resource

All of your credible sources can be found in the Library Databases, but be sure to find and email yourself twice as many as you want to use - that way when you sit down to write, you'll guarantee that you have enough material to use in your essay.

Ask a Librarian if you need help using any of the OneSearch or Database tools for sending yourself copies of the articles and citation info.