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Biology Research Project: Biology Research Project

Biology Tutorial

Biology Topics

Are Humans Still Evolving? (Population Genetics)




Designer Babies

Epigenetic effects on phenotype

Exercise and Metabolism

Female hormone cycle- do women get PMS?

Genetic Markers

GMO's/Food Fortification

Human Genome Project

Importance of Water

Malaria and Sickle Cell Anemia




Pandemics and Climate Change

Plants and Climate Change

Pregnancy and Birth


Science Vs. Pseudoscience

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sunburns and Apoptosis

Super Bugs- antibiotic resistant bacteria/bugs resistant to pesticides/plants resistant to herbicides

The Carbon Atom

Twenty-Years of SARS (SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV 2)

Vaccines/mRNA Vaccines

Where did lactase persistence come from?

Precambrian Earth 

Division of the Phanerozoic Earth 

Cambrian Explosion of Life 

Permian Mass Extinction 

Kingdom Protista 


Fungi and Medicine 

Fungi and Cancer Research 

Plant Reproduction 

Plant Diversity 

Natural Selection 

Are humans still evolving? 

Conservation Status: Invertebrate Species of Animals 

Conservation Status: Vertebrate Species of Animals 

Nervous System Abnormalities 

Social Behavior of Animals 

Temperate Deciduous Rainforests 

The Sixth Mass Extinction 

Climate Change: Evidence in the USA 

Appalachian Climate Change 

Endocrine Disruption 

Air Pollution in the Tennessee Valley 

Indoor Air Pollution 

Human Ecology and Stress Management 


Biology Research Project