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Biology: 4. Reading Scholarly Articles

reading scholarly articles

How to Read a Scholarly Article

Scholarly or peer-reviewed articles are written by experts for other experts. They can be about current research projects or reviews of multiple research papers on a certain topic. Read scholarly articles in this order:

1. Abstract

Gives you a very brief overview of the whole paper. It's at the beginning of the paper, usually just below the authors' names. It may be labeled abstract, summary or highlights.

2. Conclusion/Discussion

Gives you the new information the author(s) learned and ties it together to the work of other researchers in the field.  This section usually has many citations to other articles.  It's the section at the end of the paper, just before the references.

3. The Rest of the Article

If after reading the above parts, you feel that the article is not useful for you, stop and look for other papers. If you do feel that the paper has information you can use, read the entire article. 

  • Introduction: Outlines the background for the article and usually cites other articles about the topic. 
  • Materials and Methods: Describes the steps/protocols of the experiment/study and often contains very technical information, such as the statistical methods used to analyze the data. 
  • Results: Presents the data that were collected in the experiment/study.  Scientific articles usually have graphs, tables and charts to illustrate the data.  
  • References:  All articles cited in the study.  A good place to find more articles on your topic.  If you find one that interests you, copy and paste the title into OneSearch on the PSCC library homepage.  If PSCC does not have the article, you can order it by Interlibrary Loan (see link in box on left).  

Reading Tips

  • Look up terms/vocabulary you don't know
  • Take notes as you read
  • Keep track of citations as you go

How to Read an eBook

eBooks are an excellent way to find background and overview information for research. Use the following tutorial to learn how to divide and conquer eBook sections and how to search within an eBook for keywords.