Engineering: ENST 1310: Ross

Assignment Objectives

This assignment is intended to assist students with creating appropriate research questions and identify keywords used in searches. They should recognize credible sources, be able to locate and use library databases and citation tools. Students should be able to identify where to get help with research.

1. Library Search Resources

  • Use Library resources to identify topics, keywords, and use citation guides
  • Review One Search Tutorial video
  • Become familiar with OneSearch tool

2. Practice Search Techniques

  • Identify topic (Pro Tip: Chose someone who is dead or of high celebrity; there will be more resources)
  • Narrow search using database and filters
  • Identify sources (eBook, articles, etc)

Exercise: Narrowing a Topic

Using the Library databases, go to the AccessScience database.

In the top blue menu, select Biographies
Under the ​Biographies ​header, click on Biographies by Topic tab
​On the left, use the pulldown menu to Select Topic. Select Computing & Information Technology
From the list of names, click on Grace Hopper
​Explore the blue toolbox options (Email, Cite, etc)


Exercise: Find Sources


​Search Grace Hopper in OneSearch. Click on Advanced Search and use pulldown to select Subject. Limit to Books/eBooks. Explore different texts and using the "full text available" feature


​Delete the Books/eBooks limiter. Limit to Journal Articles. Explore the tools for email and citations. Practice other searches with additional topics.

Exercise: APA Citation

Review the Citation Overview and APA Citation Guide. Download and review the APA Paper and APA Bibliography templates

3. Get Help

If you get stuck or need help, utilize the libraries "Ask a Librarian" tool for guided help.